Take the Stage Opera
Helping singers successfully navigate the pressures of an operatic career.
Take the Stage Opera
083 Self-Care for Singers w/ Gina Morgano
Evan Dunn-Baritone and Gina Morgano
Season 1
Episode 83
She is the host of the Practice Parlour podcast and admin for the self-care for singers group on Facebook. She has loads of tips for anyone who needs to fill their own cup so they can go out and take the stage!
Check her out at:
Instagram @ginamorgano
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/selfcareforsingers/
Podcast: https://www.ginamorgano.com/podcast
Also, for more information about Evan, check out evandunn.com and sign up for a free sample coaching session.
Instagram @takethestagecoaching
Twitter @TakeOpera